Friday, February 4, 2011

Rock Island County DUI Attorney

Rock Island County DUI Attorney

Drunk Driving – Reckless Driving
Being charged with a DUI offense in Rock Island County can leave you in a very vulnerable position. You may think it is a minor traffic offense, but in reality, you could face license suspension or revocation. At The Law Offices of Peter Buh, we are experienced in defending DUI charges and are ready to represent your best interests. Contact a Rock Island County DUI attorney to learn how we can defend your rights and protect your driving privileges.

The Law Offices of Peter Buh has been defending clients charged with a variety of misdemeanors and felony traffic offenses. These cases often involve:

• Leaving the Scene of an Accident
• Reckless Driving

Our skilled legal team is also equipped to handle many traffic matters with ease and precision. In addition to handling many speeding tickets, failure to yield, and uninsured driver cases, we often represent clients charged with DUI. If you are a first offender, we obtain a MDDP to help the client drive if their license is suspended.

In order to determine how best to proceed in any given case, the Law Offices of Peter Buh conducts a thorough evaluation of all available evidence. We evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of your position as well as the strengths and weaknesses of the prosecutors' claims. Only after this evaluation is complete will we make any recommendations as to how you should proceed.

In every case, we work to help clients resolve charges by defeating them. If we can't defeat the charges, we work to minimize the penalties as much as possible. Contact the Law Offices of Peter Buh, he is your Rock Island County DUI Attorney. Call 630-925-7188 for a free consultation.

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